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At Future Schools we believe that it is our sole responsibility to "teach" your children. Therefore, we do discourage parental interference towards our teaching methods and policies.

However, educating and bringing up of students in accordance with unquestionable values and principles is a mutual responsibility of both parents and teachers.
We strongly recommend parents to stimulate their children's reading habits, self awareness and perception of this highly competitive world.
We do hope that parents acknowledge the differences between individuals and their ceiling of potentials; no teacher will manage to upgrade the student's score beyond his capabilities. Easy and quick solutions are never really beneficial.
We discourage the concept of "private lessons" and we prohibit our staff from carrying out any private tutoring. In other words, private tutoring is strictly forbidden and there will negative consequences for any teacher who does not adhere to this policy. Parents are expected to fully comply with such a basic principle. It is our beliefs that pupils of Future Schools will not need private lessons.

The school prides itself that every measure will be taken to ensure the curriculum is covered during school and homework hours. Should a pupil still require extra tuition, the school will resolve this situation during the school day by committing to give the child all the help and support that he/she requires.
It is our hope that this policy will lighten the burden on the parents' shoulders and contribute to the individual pupil's self dependence, esteem and family life.

School Visiting Procedure

Parents are always welcome at the school. But in order to prevent interruptions and unnecessary disruption, we ask you to please consider the following regulations:
- Classrooms are inaccessible ar.s except for the first day of the school and open days.
- Parents who wish to visit the School for whatever reason may only do so having made a prior appointment. It should be stressed that a simple phone call or a letter or a message on Future Schools website can serve the purpose.
It is our inWntion to communicate closely with parents. Therefore, we hold Parent-Teacher meetings during the academic yr at the end of every term/quarter. B.ides, we constantly inform parents of any significant news by means of written letters. Furthermore, we usually take the initiative to invite pare. whenever t\z_eded particularly 110 student repeatedly fails to comply with our expectations.