Why is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Important?
Trinity School believes that creating and supporting a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community is a moral imperative. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are blessings that benefit all of us by improving the quality of our educational program, for we know that multiple perspectives and experiences produce better results than a uniform or monolithic approach. Furthermore, as our students graduate and prepare to contribute to the world beyond Trinity, their ability to understand different cultures and perspectives is increasingly important.
What Does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Mean at Trinity?
By diversity we mean the range of experiences for people of all races, genders, ethnicities, religions, learning abilities, physical abilities, sexual orientations, political perspectives, family compositions, socioeconomic statuses, backgrounds, and other characteristics, abilities and gifts that contribute to one’s self-understanding in the world.
Equity is about ensuring that every member of the community has what they need to thrive. Equality is about fairness, but equity is more nuanced and accounts for the fact that each student may need something a little different from the community. The goal of equity in a school environment is to create a space where all students are celebrated and have the opportunity to thrive.
Inclusion is about dignity. Our aim is to create an environment in which every student feels included at Trinity and no one feels excluded because of an aspect of their identity. If everyone feels included, then everyone has a legitimate opportunity to maximize the gift that is a Trinity education. Inclusion also means every student feels like Trinity is their school, not just one they are allowed to attend.